We want
to help you
Wellness coaching is voluntary, confidential, and free

Interested in learning more? Enter your email and a coach will reach out with more information
Trained coaches provide a confidential sounding board for a variety of physical, emotional, social, and other hurdles and help you reach goals.
The three-month program is open to all medical benefit eligible faculty and staff and covered spouses/household members.
Investing in your wellness helps improve your life now and in the future. Earn $100 for participating in the three month program.*
*Rewards are taxable. Also note, if a spouse or household member earns a gift card for participating, the employee will be taxed.
Increase confidence to achieve your goals.
Effectively manage stress. Improve your overall health.
Grand Valley employees who engage with a wellness coach through Thrive at GVSU report increased levels of confidence in achieving personal wellness goals and the ability to effectively manage stress, as well as improved states of health.
Time dedicated
to you

“You don't have to have your life all together to join Thrive--in fact, when your life is out of balance is the perfect time to join Thrive. It lives up to the name and really helps me thrive in all areas of my life"
"It was great working with my wellness coach. She helped me to breakdown some of my goals into manageable pieces, so I could work to achieve them without feeling overwhelmed. I found my motivation to add new goals and challenges to my health journey. It was a great experience."
“The Thrive Program has been incredibly beneficial for my overall health and wellness, but has particularly helped my ability to find time for physical wellness as well as the patience and grace with myself when I don't meet my goals, and helped me feel encouraged to get back on the metaphorical horse when I fell off.”
What if I have questions?For general Thrive at GVSU questions, please contact your HR Business Partner.
How much does it cost?Thrive at GVSU is offered at no cost to medical benefit eligible faculty, staff, spouses and household members.
How do I enroll?To enroll, opt-in during GVSU’s Benefit Open Enrollment in the fall. Coaches will begin calling members in November. Or, enroll any time after Open Enrollment by emailing our wellness coaching team. Participants must enroll by June 30th of the respective year to participate in the program to ensure time to complete the three month program within the program year.
Why is the university offering Thrive at GVSU?Grand Valley State University deeply values good health and well-being among its faculty and staff community. The goal of Thrive at GVSU is to encourage sustainable, healthy lifestyles that prevent chronic disease, health conditions, and emotional and financial stressors. The program aligns with the university’s strategic plan and healthy campus initiative.
Am I required to participate in Thrive at GVSU?No, participation is voluntary. However, the reward is only available to those who complete the program.
What is Thrive @ GVSU?Thrive at GVSU is a voluntary, confidential and free three month wellness coaching program available to all medical benefit eligible faculty, staff, spouses, and household members. Participants in the Thrive at GVSU program partner with a coach telephonically or virtually.
Why should I participate in Thrive at GVSUThis program is focused on prevention; coaching provides educational materials, referrals, and personal support with proven results. The materials and follow-up programs are available to help you feel well and are designed to work in partnership with your personal health care provider. The information is tailored to each individual's personal needs. Participants are encouraged to share their coaching experience and topics with their health care provider.
Are the coaches qualified and certified?Yes. The coaching staff holds credentials in dietetics, kinesiology, exercise science, health education and nursing. Coaches have received wellness and health coach training, and they’ve passed written and oral exams from a nationally recognized certification organization.
What is wellness coaching?Trained coaches provide a confidential sounding board for a variety of physical, emotional, social, and other hurdles and help you reach goals. Coaching is conducted telephonically and/or online. Frequency of meetings is up to you and your coach during the coaching period.
Can I participate in multiple rounds of coaching?Yes, however, only one round of coaching is reward-able.
Why wellness coaching?Coaching brings wellness to the individual level and helps participants work on specific areas that are important to them. The program is designed to meet participants when and where they are available.
What happens with the information I provide?Information collected from Thrive at GVSU is treated as confidential. By agreeing to the privacy statement, you are allowing The McCahill Group to view your health questionnaire information and advise you on health improvement strategies.
Who is administering coaching for Thrive at GVSU?To protect your privacy, GVSU has contracted with The McCahill Group, a Michigan-based organization of wellness experts, to administer coaching.
Is the coaching service confidential?Yes. Participation in the program is confidential and complies with HIPPA requirements. Grand Valley State University does not receive any personal information discussed in the coaching sessions. Content discussed is between you and your coach.
Will participation affect my insurance coverage or benefits?No. Your results will not affect your insurance coverage or benefits, nor will they be disclosed to your insurance company or your employer without your permission.
Will any of the information obtained through Thrive at GVSU be shared with my supervisor?No, the confidentiality of your personal health information is protected.
Can part-time faculty and staff participate in Thrive at GVSU?If medical benefit-eligible, part-time faculty and staff can participate in Thrive at GVSU. Please note: If at any time your benefit status changes (leave of absence, appointment change, etc.), your eligibility to participate and receive the monetary reward may change.
Who can participate?Qualifying medical benefits-eligible faculty, staff, spouses and household members can participate in Thrive at GVSU. Spouses, dependents and household members of faculty and staff who are not enrolled in GVSU's medical benefits program are not eligible for Thrive. Please note: If at any time your benefit status changes (leave of absence, appointment change, etc.), your eligibility to participate and receive the monetary reward may change.
Can temporary faculty and staff participate in Thrive at GVSU?No.
I am a medical-benefit employee, but I opted out of the Grand Valley medical plan. Can I still participate in Thrive at GVSU?If you are a qualifying medical benefits-eligible employee, you can participate in Thrive @ GVSU. Please note: Spouses, dependents and household members of faculty and staff who are not enrolled in GVSU's medical benefits program are not eligible for Thrive.
Can GVSU retirees participate in Thrive at GVSU?No.
Why are we receiving a monetary reward for participating in Thrive at GVSU?Research has shown that financial incentives and a supportive workplace are effective ways to achieve higher levels of participation. Research has also shown that high participation in wellness programs achieved through the use of incentives adds value for the organization and its employees.
When and how will I receive my $100 gift card?Upon completion of the three month coaching program, participants are eligible for the monetary reward. Please note rewards are taxable.
What are the Thrive at GVSU program rewards for participation?To qualify for the Thrive at GVSU reward of a $100* gift card, you must complete one round of the three month program. Rewards are earned by meeting goals set between you and your coach during the three month program. Gift card is cash value and administered by our coaching vendor. *Rewards are taxable. Also note, if a spouse or household member earns a gift card for participating, the employee will be taxed.
How will spouse and household members receive the rewards?Participants will redeem their gift card on the online portal. Please note: If a dependent earns a gift card for participating, the employee will be taxed.
What are the rewards?Spouses and household members will receive $100 for completing a three-month session of the coaching program. Maximum rewards for the program are $100 to complete one round of coaching. Participants may complete multiple rounds of coaching at no cost, but are only rewarded with a gift card for the first round of coaching. Rewards are taxable.
Does the GVSU faculty or staff member need to participate in order for the spouse/household member to be eligible?No. Spouses and household members can participate and earn rewards.
How do faculty and staff spouses on GVSU's medical plan register?To enroll, opt-in during GVSU’s Benefit Open Enrollment in the fall. Coaches will begin calling members in November. Or, enroll any time after Open Enrollment by emailing our wellness coaching vendor. Participants must enroll by June 30th of the respective year to participate in the program to ensure time to complete the three month program within the program year.
Both my spouse and I are employees at GVSU. How do rewards apply for us?Thrive at GVSU is open to all benefit-eligible faculty, staff, spouses and household members. If you are enrolled or eligible and waived benefits, the program and rewards are still available to you. Faculty and staff who are both married and a faculty or staff member at GVSU are each eligible for a $100 gift card as a benefit-eligible faculty or staff member. Please note: If this applies to you, please notify your HR Business Partner to ensure your employee files have on record your spouse who is also an employee with the university. This is to ensure proper administration of rewards.